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The international center of Imam Bukhari

Category: Марказ ҳақида маълумот
Created on 01 March 2014 Hits: 17783

    In order to study on scientific base vast heritage of science Hadis sultan, our great compatriot Imam Buhari who made an unmatched contribution into development of holy Islamic religion, popularization to our people and the world public, on basis of storage and respect of our ancestral national values, enrichment spiritual and moral world of the young generation, strengthening of confidence to reinforce the senses of love and devotion to the motherland in their souls:

 In accordance the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov Decree №875 of May 23, 2008 it was organized international center of Imam Buhari.

 The international center of Imam al Bukhari was established under memorial complex of Imam al Bukhari in Payarik district of Samarkand region.

 Mainly the international center of Imam al Bukhari carries out activity in two directions. They are:

 The area of scientific researches,

 The area of educational professional development.

 The area of scientific researches consists of two departments and carries out the following activity:

 Hadis study department. Thisdepartment occupied with the study of true sense and meaning of Islamic religion, the Holy book of Koran and scientific-spiritual bases of Hadis science school. The same department carries out researches and interpretation of scientific-spiritual heritage of such great scientists as Imam Bukhari and Imam Termeziy among large sections of the public.   

 The sources analysis department. Analysis and investigation of the sources promoting high human ideas and our sacred values and using of these researches for spiritual work- necessary guides and textbook for carrying out teaching work, for scientific work- preparing of practical recommendations, organization of scientific researches on studying ancient manuscripts and printed works.

 It have been established scientific relations and collaboration with republican and foreign research centers to investigate live, scientific heritage, creative work, literature, manuscripts , printed books of the great scientists of our Motherland.

 The area of educational professional development carries out the following activity on educational professional development:

 The area of educational professional development. Thisdepartment, at the complex of Imam Bukhari due to concentration of spiritual-enlighten environment and on the basis of available unique heritage carries out teaching of the world sciences, scientific- methodological activity on increasing professional qualification of religious figures of conciliar mosques of our Motherland. The qualification on the world sciences of more then 800 imams who came from all the regions of our republic was increased up to present. The term for study is 2 months. 60 imams are taught for each period.

 There are the following departments in the center to provide increase efficiency of researches and educational developments:

 The department of international relations. The international center of Imam Bukhari holds scientific conferences, symposiumsandseminars on international standard, ensures participation in international scientific projects and also carries out international collaboration on study of Imam Bukhari’s heritage and science of Hadis.

 Information-resource center. In order to ensure work perfection of all abovementioned departments establish possibilities for wide using of modern information-communication technologies, and also develop corresponding scientific and methodological recommendations.

 The collection of orental manuscripts.

 It has been established to store in primordial state of oriental manuscripts and lithographic books, collection of historical works that are on the hands of common people, restoration, scientific research of the works, and transfer of books to another generation in primordial state.

 At the center. There is educational hall equipped by video projector and modern equipment of e-learning on the second floor. 100 learners may be taught in this auditorium at the same time.

 There are all facilities for educational professional development of the center’s learners at the department of educational professional development. It is due to modern technologies and on the basis of program and educational plan approved by the Cabinet Council.

 There are comfortable rooms equipped by special equipment for research work at Hadis and sources study departments.

 The scientists of the Center carry out researches at these premises with manuscripts and printed works. There are computers, electronic library and internet-sites for providing wider scientific researches there.

 There are all conditions for implementation scientific conferences, symposiumsandseminars on international standard, ensures participation in international scientific projects and also carries out international collaboration at the department of international relations.

 The department of international relations of the Center fulfils many-sided scientific contacts with advanced research-and-development center and leading universities of the world.

 There is comfortable and cozy dining room where learners and employees can eat at the Center.

 There are five two-storey cottages with all the conveniences where live the scientists of the center, the faculty and also guests-lecturers on the territory of the center. 

There is two-storey complex of hostel for 60 with all the conveniences for the learners of the Center there. There are spiritual room with literary books and scientific works, the rooms with computers, sport ground, foyer with TV-set where you can get information about local and international news, medical center and refreshment room in the complex of hostel.

 -  it were published more than ten scientific monographs and popular science books; 

-  it were published such books as: “Uzbekiston-buyuk allomalar yurti”, “Hadis ilmining sultoni”, “Buyuk donishmand” “Imom al Bukhari”, “Shahobuddin Umar Suhravardiy”, “Ilmning fazilati”.

 -  it were published color posters, devoted to the lives and works of twelve scientists, and also pocket size brochures in Cyrillic and Latin alphabet about life and scientific-spiritual heritage of ten scientists were printed.  

 -  it were translated more than 1000 pages of Arabic books into Uzbek

 -  it were published more than 200 scientific and popular articles in the newspapers and magazines

 Web-s-t: www.bukhari.uz

 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Phone: 8-366-673 31 35;  85-95 500 30 46

 Fax: 8-366-673 31 78

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