Representatives of the International Scientific Research Center of Imam Bukhari took part in the study tour to Malaysia. From the trip it was clear that museums and libraries of Malaysian universities kept rare manuscripts and scientific heritage of the scientists of Maverannahr.
The Museum of Islamic Culture in Malaysia has more than 15,000 religious and historical exhibits. 1000 manuuscripts of them among more than 3000 manuscripts in the museum, are manuscripts about the historical life of Movarunnahr.
Three unique manuscripts of the Holy Quran of the 16th-18th centuries can be attributed to unique exhibits, these manuscripts belong to the Bukhara School of Calligraphy. "Al-Jome al-Saheeh" the book of Imam Bukhari, which was rewritten in the 14th century; The manuscript book "Muntazhob min Sahih-al-Bukhori" and his commentaries on "Fat-al-Bory fi Sharhi Sahih-al-Bukhoriy" and in addition four copies of the “Dalai-al-Khairoth”, manuscript relating to the Samarkand and Bukhara calligraphy school.
In addition, in the central part of the museum, in the section "Islamic Historical Monuments" there are photographs and mock-ups of mosques: Imam Bukhari (former), Bibihanum, Gur Amir complex, Bukhara Mosque Kalon and others. The museum representatives agreed to study, copy and work with existing manuscripts, as well as in the establishment of scientific and practical cooperation in the future in this field.
In the Malaysian National Library there are more than five thousand manuscripts. About 200 of them are in Arabic, Turki and Persian. These include manuscripts, such as "Sahih al-Bukhari" and "Matni Samarkandii". In addition, it was discovered that there are two manuscripts for teaching Sufism paths - Naqshbandi.
One of them: "Sahih al-Bukhari", consisting of 253 pages in the manuscript section of the library. The book begins with "Vujub az-zakât". The manuscript is stored under the number mss / 2246.
The last page of this manuscript reads as follows: "Translation of the" Tamma al-juzus-sony min matni Sahih al-Bukhori alaiyhr rhamat al-Bory", 1110 Hijri, the 14-th day of the month Sha'bon, on Sunday, was completed." Obviously, this text was written by the calligrapher himself. Manuscripts use different calligraphic paintings, ornaments and colors.
The second book is a manuscript of "Matni Samarkandi", written by Ali Abu Amr Abayar in Rabiul Sonia in 1265 on Hijri. This manuscript is stored under No. 982. Work is one of the most famous works on logic. The book contains many comments. The manuscript consists of 23 pages.
The third book is a copy of the book "Principles of Naqshbandiya" by Sulaimon Zuhdi Khalidiy bin ibn Hasan bin Suleiman bin Mahmud. It is important to note that the text is based on questions and answers and covers the most important and numerous issues in the field of Sufism.
This brochure was written in Hijri in 1290 in the month of Muharram and was marked by the author with his seal (Suleiman Khalidi Nakshbandi). This manuscript is stored under No. 961. The full text consists of 9 pages.
The fourth book is a manuscript entitled "Kifoy fi-tarikati al-Naqshbandiyah." This manuscript is stored under No. 1005. The manuscript describes the main methods of teaching the Sufi Order of Naqshbandi.
The Malaysian International Library of the Islamic University was founded in 1989 by the scholar Sayyid Muhammad Nakib Atlas. There are 58,887 books in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, English, French and Malay.
About 3,000 of them are manuscripts. More than 500 of these manuscripts are rare manuscripts of the thinkers of Movarounnahr. And the rest of more than 10,000 are microfilms collected all over the world.
The most ancient and unique manuscript in the library is a handwritten copy of the book of the Qur'an, narrated by the scribe Muhammad Hayrieddin (866year in Hijri). Size of work: 30X70 cm and 12 lines per page. Each page of the rare manuscript used gold water and ink. This manuscript is from Samarkand. Also in the library fund there is a copy of the manuscript "Sahikh al-Bukhari" of the 13th-14th centuries.
Undoubtedly, numerous research works are needed to study and determine the addresses of these unique manuscripts. The obvious fact is that thousands of manuscripts from the scientific heritage of our scientists are stored in manuscript collections of world libraries, and today these books are waiting for their researchers.
This study tour to Malaysia was a practical response to President Shavkat Mirziyeyev's comments on studying and accumulating manuscripts, saying that: "Even if there is one page from the great legacies of our ancestors, we will find and study it." The fulfillment of the main tasks planned by the scientific international research center of Imam Bukhari began. Of course, in the future more extensive scientific research will be organized in many libraries and museums around the world and international cooperation will be created to study the scientific heritage of our great ancestors.
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