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Ph.D. ZIYADOV, Shovosil Y

Category: Ph.D. ZIYADOV. Sh. Y
Created on 21 March 2014 Hits: 28258


Ph.D. ZIYADOV, Shovosil Y.


Surname: Ziyodov

Name: Shovosil

Patronymic: Yunusovich

Date of Birth: 17 January 1973

Place of Birth: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

 Home Address: Apartment 6, Building 8, Massiv Sebzar, 100019 Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Telephone: (998-71) 227-24-02.  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Actual position:

Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy) in history



1990-1995 Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies  (Tashkent, Uzbekistan). Orientalist

Arabic Philology. (diploma N- 061232).

2002-2003Beruni Institute for Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

PhD Student (Promotion).

Islamic Studies



PhD Dissertation (Promotion)  Beruni Institute for Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), 24 October 2003

Chair/ Advisor:  Professor M. M. Khayrullaev

Topic:  The Written heritage of Abu Mansur al-Maturidis and Kitab al-ta’wilat

Date: 25 March 2004 on the scientific degree of sciences (philosophy)



1995- 2003

Beruni Institute for Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Junior Scientific Researcher

Codicology and Cataloguing of Muslim Manuscripts

2003 – 2014

Beruni Institute for Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

Scientific Researcher. Department of Codicology and Cataloguing of Arabic Manuscripts

Professional address (Office): Beruni Institute for Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 81 Mirzo Ulugbek, 100170 Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Fax: (998-71) 262 52 77. Tel: (998-71) 262 54 61.

 2004 – 2010

Tashkent State Institute for Oriental Studies

Professor, Islamic and Religious Studies

Courses  «Islamic theology», «Muslim Manuscripts»

Address (Office): Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, 25 Ulitsa Shahrisabz, 700047 Tashkent, Uzbekistan.Fax: (998-71) 120-65-65.

2008 – 2014

            Tashkent Islamic University.

 Professor, Islamic and Religious Studies.

            Courses «Methods of scientific works», «Practice of reading Muslim Manuscripts»

2014 – present.

Director.  Imam Bukhari international center.

Address (Office): Khoja Ismail town, 141306 Payarik district, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Tel.: (0 366) 673-31-78 Mob.: (998 93) 598-87-42.   www.bukhari.uz



 -          1999. February 16. - July  24. To raise qualification young scientist in Germany  in the catalogue arabian manuscript in towns Halle (Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg), Jena (centre of description manuscript:  Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland), Berlin (Staatsbibliothek).

 -          2002. October. 1-20: Invited scholar, Paris, Monde iranien research group (Monde Iranien). Programm: Patrimoine manuscrit de l‘Asie centrale islamique.

 -          2005. 20 June – 3 July. Kazan (Russiya): SSRC (The Social Science Research Council) summer institute “Teaching Islam in Eurasia”. being held at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Kazan State University. 

 -         2006. February 3-22.: Invited scholar, Paris, Monde iranien research group (Monde Iranien). Programm: Patrimoine manuscrit de l‘Asie centrale islamique.

 -         2006.december.12. –  28 march 2007. As the winner ofScholarship to the Imam Bukhari Visiting Scholarship for the academic year 2006-2007, of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. (UK, Oxford)


-          2006, 24 June – 7 July. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan): SSRC (The Social Science Research Council) summer institute “Teaching Islam in Eurasia”. being held at the American University of Central Asia, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).


-          2007, 5-19 August. Simferopol, Ukraine. SSRC (The Social Science Research Council) summer institute “Teaching Islam in Eurasia”. Being held at the Tavrida Vernadskii National University (Simferopol, Ukraine). 


-          2011 April- June and November 2011   to may 2012: Visiting Scholar in The postdoctoral researcher in the Fernand Braudel FMSH (Paris). Reception laboratory: CNRS -UMR 7528 Mondes iranien et indien.




2005-2007.“Disputes on Muslim Authority in Central Asia” (19th-20th Centuries): Critical Editions and Source Studies / Islamization and Sacred Lineages in Central Asia. The Legacy of Ishaq Bab in Narrative and Genealogical Traditions. Swiss National Science Foundation.

2006-2008. Historical manuscript collections and libraries in Central Asia: ownership seals and similar imprints in manuscripts housed in the Al-Biruni Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.Gerda Henkel Foundation/Germany. (AZ 11 /ZA/05)

10/2007 - 06/2010. “Islamic Law in Central Asia Under Tsarist and Soviet Rule: Tashkent Islamic Courts During the Period 1865 to 1928”, based at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Halle/Saale). funded by the Volkswagen Foundation/Germany.





1.                  Handlist of Sufi manuscripts in the holdings of the Oriental Institute,Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan.Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, 2000. – 237 S.

2.                  KatalogsufischerHandschriftenausderBibliothekdesInstitutsfuerOrientalistikderAkademiederWissenschaften, RepublikUsbekistan / VerzeichnisderorientalischenHandschrifteninDeutschland. Supplement band 37. Herausgeber Jurgen Paul. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002. - 358 S.

3.                  “L’horizon intellectuel d’un érudit du XVe siècle: nouvelles découvertes sur la bibliothèque de Muh.ammad Pârsâ.” Cahiers d’Asie centrale, vol. 7 (1999). pp. 77-98 (with A. Muminov).

4.                  Fiches №№ 252-256  Nouvelles des Manuscrits du Moyen-Orient & FiMMOD. Numéros VII/2. Paris, decembre 1998.

5.                  Fiches №№ 308-311.  Nouvelles des Manuscrits du Moyen-Orient & FiMMOD. Numéros IX/1, juin 2000.

6.                  Fiches №№ 235-240 //Nouvelles des Manuscrits du Moyen-Orient & FiMMOD. NuméroVII/1, Paris, juin 1998 (with A. Muminov).

7.                  “Taschkenter Handschriften uber das Milieu Bucharischer Theologen in 13. und 14. Jarhunderten.” Manuscripta Orientalia,Vol. 9. No.3 September 2003. pp.56-58.

8.                  Ebû Mansûrel- Mâturîdî’iynispetedileneserlerinTaşkentyazmalariveMâturîdî üzerineyapilanbaziaraştirmalar //ImamMâturîdî veMaturidilik/ Tarihî ArkaPilan, Hayati, Eserleri, FikirleriveMaturidilikMezhebi. Haz. Sönmez Kutlu. Ankara 2003. – s. 271-281.

9.                  Библиотека Дукчи Ишана (LibraryDukchiIshan) // Манакиб-и Дукчи Ишан (аноним житя Дукчи Ишана – предводителя Андижанского восстания 1898 года). Пер. с туркий., введения и коментарии Б. М. Бабаджанова. – Ташкент-Берн-Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2004. – стр. 344- 385.

10.              Abu Mansur al-Maturidi // Ma’naviyat yulduzlari. – Тashkent.: 1999. – pp. 76-79. (in Uzbek).

11.              Abu Mansur Maturidi va uninig “Ta’wilat ahil as-sunna” asari haqida yangi malumotlar//Sharqshunoslik. (almanah). – Тashkent. –1999, №   9. – pp. 66-73 (in Uzbek). (Abu Mansur Maturidi and his Kitab Ta’wilat al-Qur’an”)

12.               Abu Mansur al-Maturidi // Muloqot. – Тashkent. 2000, №1.– pp. 51-52 (in Uzbek).

13.              Abu Mansur al-Maturidi va kalom ta’limoti // O’bekistonda ijtimoiy fanlar. – Тashkent.2000. № 3. – pp. 32–37 (in Uzbek). (Abu Mansur al-Maturidi and theological doctrine).

14.               Mutekkalim Abu Mansur al-Maturidiva uning kalom ta’limoti // O‘zbekiston tarihi. – Т. – 2000. – № 3. – pp. 3-7 (in Uzbek). (Theolog Abu Mansur al-Maturidi and his theological doctrine).

15.              Kalom ta’limoti va  Abu Mansur al-Maturidi // Islam, tarih va ma’naviyat.Тashkent.: A. Qodiriy, 2000. – pp. 26-34 (in Uzbek).( Theological doctrine and Abu Mansur al-Maturidi)

16.              Al-Maturidi hayoti va merosi. Тashkent.: A. Qodiriy, 2000. 27 p.(in Uzbek).

17.              AbuMansural-Maturidi yozma merosi va uning “Kitab at-ta’wilot asari” dissertatsiyaavtoreferati. – Тashkent.: O’z FA SH inistituti, – 2003. 22 p.(inUzbek).«WrittenheritageofAbuMansural-MaturidisandKitabal-tawilat”»

18.              O’z FA Shdagi Qur’onning noyob qo’lyozmasi haqida // «Kamoliddin  Bekhzod jahon madaniyati tarihida nengan o’rni» Toshkent, 2005, 8 sentyabir. Buyuk rassom tavaluddining 550-yilligiga bag’ishlangan ilmiy-anjumanmateriallari. – Tashkent:«San‘at», 2005. – pp. 126-130. (Unique manuscript Koran in the institut Beruni (inUzbek).)

19.              Рукописные списки Корана из Центральной Азии (XVIII-начало XX века) // Материали научной конфереции молдых ученых Республики.  к 60 летю Акадакмии Наук РУ. – 2003. – стр. 147-153.

20.              Несколькословоспискахпроизведенияошскогоученого XII векаСириджад-динаАлиб. ‘Усманал-Уши, хранящихсявТашкенте// Вестник Ошского Государственного Университета. Специальный выпуск. Ислам в Центральной Азии. Материалы международной научной конференции посвященному году «Социальной мобилизации и добросовестного управления» и 10 летю теологического факультета. – Ош. – 2004. – стр. 229-230.   

21.              Catalogue of Hikmats of Khwaja Ahmad Yasawi from the funds of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Kazakhistan. Turkestan.   - 2006.  – pp. 327. составители: Г. Каримов, М. Хасаний, Н. Тошев, С. Есентемир, Ш. Зиёдов, Д, Расулов. Редакторы: Б. Бабаджанов, А. Муминов. Издатель: Д. Кенжетай.  

22.              Deluxe manuscripts of the Holy Koran and seals imprinted on them. (Qur’on karimning nodir qo’lyozma nushalari va unlardagi muhirlar) (in uzbek)// Imam Buhari saboqlari. № 1. 2006. pp. 5- 9.

23.              Works of Abu Hafs an-Nasafiy in the manuscript collection of Institute of Oriental studies of Uzbek Academy of Sciences and his “Aqai’d an-Nasafi”//The role of  the city of Karshi in the history of world civilization. Materials of the international scientific conference devoted to the 2700 th anniversary of Karshi city. – Tashkent-Karshi. “FAN” Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan. – 2006. – pp. 221-226. 

24.              Abu Mansur al-Maturidi// Jannat Makon.  – August. 2007. –Tashkent.  – pp.26-30.

25.              Abu Mansur al-Maturidi’s Contribution to the Development of Kalom Teachings of Eastern Philosophy//Uzbekistan’s Contribution to the Development of Islamic Civilization. Abstracts of the papers and addresses to the International Conference devoted to announcement of Tashkent as a capital of Islamic Culture for 2007 by Islaimc Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – ISESCO. Tashkent-Samarkand Publishing House of the Republican Scientific-Educational Center of al-Imam al-Bukhari -  2007. pp. 202-203. (in uzbek).

26.              Manuscrits en écriture arabe du Musée régional de Nukus (Republique autonome du Karakalpakstan, Ouzbékistan): Fonds arabe, persan, turkī et karakalpak, Ashirbek Muminov, Maria Szuppe et Abdusalim Idrisov eds., Avec la collaboration de Shovosil Ziyodov.  Rome 2007. pp. 282.

27.          Генеалогические грамоты и сакральные семейства: Насаб-нама и группы ходжей, связанных с сакральными сказанием об Исхак бабе. Том II. // Исламизация и сакральные родословные в Центральной Азии: Наследие Исхак баба в нарративной и генеалогической традициях // Введение, составление критических текстов, перевод, примечания и указатели: А. Муминов, З. Жандарбек, Д. Рахимджанов, Ш. Зиядов / Издатели: Аширбек Муминов и Анке фон Кюгельген. Берн, Ташкент, Алматы. 2008.( Genealogical Charters and Sacred Families: Nasab-nāmas and Khoja Groups linked to the IsÎāq Bāb Narrative, 19th-21st Centuries. Vol. II / Islamization and Sacred Lineages in Central Asia:The Legasy of IsÎāq Bāb in Narrative and Genealogical Traditions//Edited by Ashirbek Muminov, Anke von Kuegelgen).

28.          Khwadja Muhammd Porso kutubhonasi // Dinshunoslik fanlarinig dolzarb muammolari. Tashkent Islamic University. Tashkent.  – 2009. – pp.106-114.(inUzbek), (Libraries of Muhammad Parsa // Actual problems of studying of Religious studies).

29.          Ziyodov Sh. Toshkent tarhiga oid hujjatlardan namunalar// Imam Buhari saboqlari. № 2. 2009. pp. 123- 126. (in Uzbek, with G. Karimov, Samples of documents on a history at the Tashkent).

30.              Sebzor dahasi qozisi faoliyatiga oid hujjatlar // Nashrga tayorlovchi va so’z boshiZiyodovSh, Karimov G., Sartori P. «O’zbekiston»  nashryoti. 2009. p. 176. (in Uzbek, Documents on activityqadi at the Sibzar  district, Edited by Jurgen Paul, The foreword and drawing up and  Shovosil Ziyodov, Gulom Karimov, Paolo Sartori).

31.              Shovosil Ziyodov, Ashirbek Muminov et Elizaveta Nekrasova "La “Bibliothèque de Khwâja Muhammad Pârsâ” revisitée", dans Écrit et culture en Asie centrale et dans le monde turco-iranien, Xe-XIXe siècles, Francis Richard et Maria Szuppe (eds.), [Studia Iranica. Cahier 40], Paris: Association pour l’Avancement des études iraniennes, 2009, pp. 17-41.

32.           Abu Mansur Maturidi va uninig “Kitob at-Ta’wilat” asari. – Тashkent. –2009, – pp. 140 (in Uzbek). (Abu Mansur Maturidi and his Kitab Ta’wilat”).

33.              Markaziy Osiyoda ilk toshbosma kitoblar nashri tarihidan (Toshkent va Fargona misolida) // Sharqshunoslik  №13. 2009. – pp. 134-143. (in Uzbek) (From history Lithograph books of the Central Asia (On an example of Tashkent and Fergana).

34.          Shams aimma al-Sarahsiyning “Mabsut” asari va uning O’rta Osiyo vaqf kutibhonalardagi nushalari // “Fan va inovatziya faoliyatini rivojlantirishda yoshlarning roli” mavzuidagi ilmiy-amaliy konferetziya. Maruzalar matni. Tshkent, 2010. pp 11-12 (in Uzbek).

35.              Характеристика арабских, персидских, тюркских рукописей фонда Музея Ферганы // тезисы VIII научного конференции молодых востоковедов им. У. Каримова. – Tashkent. - 2010.pp. 3-5. (The characteristic of the Arabian, Persian, Turkic manuscripts of the Museum of Fergana).

36.              Imom Maturidi – kalom ilimining sultoni //Huquq va burch. – Tashkent. - 2011. № 6. – pp. 32-34. (in Uzbek).

37.              Abu Mansur Maturidi. “Ozbekistan”  – Tashkent. - 2011. – 45 pp. (in Uzbek).

38.               The Hajjnamas from the Manuscript Collection of the Oriental Institute at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan // Central Asian Pilgrims. Hajj Routes and Pious Visits between Central Asia and the Hijaz. Alexandre Papas, Thomas Welsford, and Thiery Zarcone (eds.). Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Band 308. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2011, pp. 223-233. ISBN 978-3-87997-399-6.

39.              Markaziy Osiyo kutubhonalari tarihini o’rganish muammolari va istiqbollari (XVI-XX asr boshlari) // Sharqshunoslik  №15. 2011. – pp. 85-90. (in Uzbek) (problems and prospects of the study to histories of the libraries to Central Asia (16th-20st Centuries).

40.              Mâturîdî’iyya Doctrininin Özbekistan’da araştırılması: Problemlar ve Çözümler // Büyük Türk Bilgini. Imam Mâturîdî ve Maturidilik / Millletlerarası tartışmali ilmî toplantı. 22-24 mayıs 2009 – İstanbul. Ed. Prof. Dr. İlyas Çelebi. İstanbul, 2012.s. 464-478.

41.              Calligraphic Styles // The treasury of oriental manuscripts. Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni institute of oriental studies of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Edited by the Abu Rayhan Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies published by the UNESCO Office in Tashkent. – Tashkent, 2012. – pp. 89-94.

42.              Ozbekistonda sharq qo’lyozmalri fondlari haqida // Yozma merosimiz halq mulki. (seminar materiallari) Navoiy nomidagi Ozbekiston milliy kutubhona. –Toshkent.  2012. s 47-50.

43.              Рукописи из вакуфных библиотек о среде Бухарских богословов XIII-XIV веков // Маяк востока. Ташкент. №1-2. 2012. – С.53-56.

44.              Марказий Осиёда фаолият олиб борган қозилар кутубхоналари тарихидан // Исломшуносликнинг долзарб масалалари. Ўзбекистон Республикаси вазирлар маҳкамаси ҳузуридаги Тошкент Ислом Университети. Исломшунослик илмий-тадқиқот маркази. Тошкент 2013. – Б. 40-41.

45.              К вопросу о частной библиотеки Центральноазиатского эрудита Йунус-джана Агалык // Востоковедение. Научный журнал Ташкентского Государственного института востоковедение. 2013. № 1-2. – С. 144-149.

46.              Хожа Муҳаммад Порсо кутубхонасига оид янги маълумотлар// Шарқшунослик. Тошкет Давлат шарқшунослик институтнинг илмий журнали. 2013. № 2. – Б.142-149.

47.              Islamization and Sacred Lineages in Central Asia: The Legacy of Ishaq Bab in Narrative and Genealogical Traditions Volume 1. Opening the Way for Islam: The Ishaq Bab Narrative, 14th-19th Centuries / Edited by Devin DeWeese and Ashirbek Muminov Texts, Translations into Russian and English, Commentaries, and Indices by Devin DeWeese, Ashirbek Muminov, Durbek Rahimjanov, and Shavasil Ziyadov. Almaty-Bloomington. Daik-Press (Forthcoming).


LANGUAGES: Uzbek (native); Russian, German, Arabic, Turki /Chaghatai (freely); English, French (reading).


 1.         1999, 16-19 March, Halle, Germany: Seminar week with orientalist scientist from Germany.

Organised by institut of Orientalistik (Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle-Wittenberg). Paper: Scientific heritage of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi and his doctrine.

 2.         2000, 4-6 October, Italy (Bologna): The 3rd International Conference on Codicology and Paleography of Middle-Eastern Manuscripts, organised by F. Deroche Ecole praticue de hautes etudes, Section historiquen et philologiquen - IV e Section. Paper: Taschkenter Handschriften ber das Milieu bucharischer Theologen im XIII und XIV


 3.         2000, 16-17 November. Samarqand. (Uzbekistan)  Of the International Conference “Imam al-Moturidi and his place in the Islamic philosophy”. Paper: Abu Mansur al-Maturidi iz the great imam of kalam.

 4.         2002, 26-28 September, Italy (Bologna): The International Conference on the Manuscripts of

the Qur’an, organised by F. Deroche Ecole praticue... Paper: Koranhandschriften aus

Zentralasien (XVIII  und Anfang des XX  Jh.).

 5.         2004, 20-21 May. Osh (Kirgiziya): The International Conference Islam in Central Asia”. – Paper: “Несколькословоспискахпроизведенияошскогоученого XII векаСириджад-динаАлиб. ‘Усманал-Уши, хранящихсявТашкенте

 7.         2005, 1 December. Turkistan (Kazakistan) Yasavi Research Center: The II-International Conference  “Problem Yasaviya”. Paper: Роль Абу Хафс ан-Насафий в развитие теологических  вопросов среди турков.

  8.                  2007, 3-4 Oct. The International ConferenceThe Roads of Pilgrimages between Central Asia & Hijaz, Tashkent. Paper:Hadjnomalar (Hajj Stories): Lithographies Available in Tashkent”.

 9.                  2007, 26-27. November. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan): The International ConferenceTeaching Islam in Central Asia”. Paper:Teaching Islam in Uzbekistan (Tashkent State Institute for Oriental Studies and Islamic University)”. Being held at the American University of Central Asia, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).

 10.              2008, 15. February. New-York (USA): Russo-Arab Ties in Historical Perspective: A Workshop on Imperial Russia, Islam, and the Ottoman Arab Lands Columbia University, Harriman Institute. Paper: “Muslim Sources on the History of Central Asia from the Period of the Russian Conquest”.

 11.              2008, 11-12 December 11-12. Halle/Saale (Germany) Islamic Institutions and Muslim Culture in the Interwar Soviet Union, 1919-39: The Potentials and the Limits of the Archival Revolution" Martin-Luther University, Halle/Saale. Paper:  «Sidqiy Khondayliqiy: The intellectual Portrait of a Seal Engraver in the 1920s.».

 12.              2009, 22-24 May.  Istanbul  (Turkey) The International Symposium on Imam Maturidi and Maturidism. Paper:  Researches on Maturidism in Uzbekistan: Problems and solutions.

 13.              2009, 5-7 November. Paris. CNRS, Mondes iranien et indien. «Problemes de catalogage des manuscripts orientaux». Paper:  Les caractéristiques du fonds des manuscrits persans, arabes et turcs chaghatây du Musée de Ferghana (mise en place d’un nouveau projet en Ouzbékistan) [en russe].

 14.              2010, 15-17 October. Sakariya (Turkey) The  International Symposium on al-Sarakhsi. Paper: Work Mabsut the al-Sarakhsi and its manuscripts from libraries of Central Asia.

 15.              2011, 16 juin.J'ai participé à la journeé de travail (Workshop) sur le thème: Sur le thème: Le document manuscrit: méthodes d’utilisation et apport à la recherche sur le monde iranien. L’UMR7528 «Mondes iranien et indien» (CNRS-Sorbonne nouvelle-EPHE-INaLCO) avec la participation de l’Istituto per l’Oriente « C.A. Nallino » (Rome). (2e Journée d’études et atelier de travail Series Catalogorum). Paper: Contribution of sigillography towards a virutal reconstruction of a personnal library of a Central Asian erudite [en English].

 16.              2012,  11 октябрь. Российско-узбекистанские отношения в контексте 1150-летия  российской государственности и 20-летия установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Узбекистан. Орг. Посольство Российской Федерации в Республике Узбекистан, Представительство Россотрудничества в Узбекистане Русский Культурный Центр Узбекистана, Ташкентская Православная Духовная семинария. Тема: Характеристика арабских, персидских, тюркских рукописей фонда Музея Ферганы.

 17.              2012, 6-7 December.Naples. The 3e Journée d’études (workshop) Series Catalogorum / Colloquium Text and Codex: The use of codicology, paleography and illumination for textual stydies». Università degli studi “L’Orientale”. Paper in co-authorship with M. Szuppe : Two manuscript collections from Fergana and Marghilan (Uzbekistan).

18.              2013. Turkistan (Kazakistan)


 -          Arabographic Manuscripts, Documents and Their Significance for the Study of the History of Islam in Central Asia;

-          Lithography History in Central Asia (XIX-XX);

-          Hanafite theology (kalam) in Central Asia;

-          Historical Manuscript Collections and Libraries in Central Asia

-          Islamic Law in Central Asia Under Tsarist and Soviet Rule: Tashkent Islamic Courts During the Period 1865 to 1928.

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26-07-2018 Hits:6165

26 июль куни АҚШ Тинчлик институтининг Марказий Осиё ва Афғонистон дастурлари бўйича директори Скот Ворден, АҚШ тинчлик институтининг катта илмий... Batafsil...

Самарқанд гавҳари

Самарқанд гавҳари

26-07-2018 Hits:6141

Давлатимиз раҳбари 2016 йил 18 октябрда Ислом ҳамкорлик ташкилоти Ташқи ишлар вазирлари кенгаши 43-сессиясининг очилиш маросимида Самарқанддаги Имом Бухорий ёдгорлик... Batafsil...

ИБХИТМ ва СамДУ ҳамкорлигида халқаро семинар‑тренинг бўлиб ўтди

ИБХИТМ ва СамДУ ҳамкорлигида халқаро сем…

25-07-2018 Hits:6135

2018 йил 24 июль куни Самарқанд давлат университетида ИБХИТМ ҳамкорлигида АҚШ Глобал илмий нашрлар директори Парвиз Моривидж ва Нью‑Йорк Бингемтон... Batafsil...

Имом Бухорийга муносиб авлод бўлайлик

Имом Бухорийга муносиб авлод бўлайлик

23-07-2018 Hits:6376

20 июль куни Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар маҳкамаси ҳузуридаги Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий-тадқиқот марказининг мажлислар залида “Имом Бухорийга муносиб авлод бўлайлик”... Batafsil...

Ҳиндистон Ислом Маданияти маркази раҳбари Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий тадқиқот марказига ташриф буюрди.

Ҳиндистон Ислом Маданияти маркази раҳбар…

16-07-2018 Hits:5943

15 июлъ куни Ҳиндистон Ислом Маданияти маркази раҳбари Cиражуддин Қуреший Имом Бухорий мажмуасига ташриф буюрди. Меҳмонни Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий‑тадқиқот... Batafsil...

Илмий ишланмаларни қўллаб-қувватлаш учун 100 миллион доллар грант ажратилади

Илмий ишланмаларни қўллаб-қувватлаш учун…

20-07-2018 Hits:6336

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев Ядро физикаси институтида   Фанлар академияси ва илмий-тадқиқот институтлари вакиллари, академиклар, олимлар, ёш тадқиқотчилар билан мулоқот қилди.  Мамлакатимизда... Batafsil...

Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий-тадқиқот маркази билан Саудиядаги “Сунна ва турос ан-набавий маркази” ўртасида илмий-тадқиқот ва қўлёзмаларни ўрганиш бўйича ҳамкорлик ишлари йўлга қўйилди

Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий-тадқиқот марк…

06-07-2018 Hits:5120

Жорий йилнинг 1–5 июлъ кунларида Малайзия Республикасида бўлиб ўтган “Қўлёзмалар ва тарихий ҳужжатларга бағишланган иккинчи халқаро конференция” ва “Қўлёзмаларни ўрганиш усуллари”... Batafsil...



04-07-2018 Hits:5160

2018 йил 3-июль куни Имом Бухорий халқаро илмий-тадқиқот маркази вакиллари ва Малайзия ислом илмлари университети ректори профессор, Датоъ Муса Аҳмад... Batafsil...



27-06-2018 Hits:4114

  Олдин хабар берганимиздек, Марказ илмий ходимларидан 3 нафари – О.Муҳаммадиев (Илмий котиб), Т.Эвадуллаев (Диний-маърифий тадбирлар бўлими бошлиғи) ва Й.Исаев. (Қўлёзмалар... Batafsil...